Deccember 2015 Meeting

Many apologies for the late posting of the report from the Decembers National Members Council. I could make up some excuse about being really busy, but the truth was Christmas. The run up was spent buying presents, food and drink and most importantly over-wearing the Christmas Jumper. After the New Year came, I had to eat and drink all the leftovers from Christmas in a variety of soup/bubble and squeak or stir fry ensembles! Now, it’s back to business. So, the December’s meeting was held in early December in Manchester, where Richard Pennycook our CEO updated the Council on the Strategic outlook for the Group. It’s clear from market research data, that we have a long way to go to rebuild the co-op. A lot of work needs to be done in areas of value for money and in-store shopping experience, but there are grounds for optimism. A lot of the plans are still confidential but one area where we shall make progress this year is mem...