November meeting report.

Happy and a prosperous Co-op New Year to you all! Late November, a chill in the air, Members of the Co-op National Council meet up for our quarterly meeting, in our traditional home, the bowels of 1 Angel Square. We had an unusual start. Many of the new members who were elected in May 2016, indicated that they were not sure who else were elected members in their locality. So, to start the meeting, we undertook a challenge in our Regional groups, to build the largest tower from newspaper. I know from my own experience of joining existing groups (especially one of 100 members) that it is hard to remember all the names and faces, so this challenge was a good way of saying hello to fellow members. Alas the South West tower slumped at the final moment. A metaphor for the strength of our common bonds, or our inability to source another roll of tape? The main business of the morning was a presentation from the CEO of Co-op Insurance. Mark Summerfield took u...