July18 National Members Council

As Britain basked in another glorious sunny day, I trudged wearily down into the basement of the Co-ops support centre in Manchester to participate in the July 2018 National Members Council. It may be rose tinted glasses, but every Council Meeting seems to be held on a lovely bright Saturday. The good news was that the air conditioning was on. The big worry was: would Council business finish in time to watch the England Sweden match? 7 TH July was the 78 th anniversary of International Co-operatives day. The Co-operative College has launched a fundraising initiative to support women in Sri Lanka , click here for more details . We had two fantastic and interesting speakers during the first half. Helen Carroll, Director of Co-op Brand and Charles Offord , Director of Distribution and Marketing from our Insurance business. Carol outlined three main themes in her presentation: Brand, Community and Membership. Firstly the Brand, she made the po...