January Council Meeting

Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog. This is my way of keeping members in the South West informed of the proceedings of the Co-op National Council. The Council met in Manchester on Saturday 26 th January. On the Friday evening before Council, I attended a talk by Brad Hill on the success of Fairtrade. Brad was the Co-ops manager in charge of Fairtrade for over 20 years, until his retirement last year. He described the highs and lows of the Co-ops involvement with Fairtrade. I am glad to say that it was mainly highs and the Co-op is still the leading retailer for Fairtrade products in the country. Brad not only highlighted the achievements of the Co-op but also framed it in personal terms. He talked of the lives transformed in developing countries and how buying Fairtrade products lifted people out of poverty. It was an inspiring talk and it reaffirmed the need for the Co-op to constantly promote new Fairtrade products and to find...