September 2015 Council Meeting

The second week in September saw the National Members Council gather in Manchester for our autumn meeting. The day before the meeting, I, along with other members of the Council attended a social media training session. We concentrated on how we could use Social Media to interact with you, our members. I was delighted that this blog was mentioned! We talked about blogs, Facebook and Twitter, and how our individual posts could be pulled together in one central area on the Co-operative Group Membership site. As a start we agreed to tag our posts with #coopmembers as a means of keeping track of our efforts. Click #coopmembers to view other posts from around the UK. The first session of the Council was an update on the half years results of the Group. My previous blog carried the headlines. The big positive that I took from the presentation was that each of our major businesses increased their profitability, with both the Food business and the Funera...