January Council update

As part of the talk to the students I had a look for some
co-operatives that the students may not have heard of before, Ocean Spray, Barcelona FC and the Piggly Wiggly Distribution Company, came to my mind. I always love discovering how diverse the
international co-operative movement is!
So on to the business of the Council.
It was good that Alan Leighton the Chair of the Board came
to the meeting. Alan gave us his
impressions of his first year in the Chair, and updated the Council

in general terms how well all our
businesses had traded over the Christmas period. He highlighted Food, Funerals
and our Electrical online as businesses that had performed well, and paid tribute to our colleagues in our
Insurance Business who had supported our customers effected by the
flooding up North. Alan also spoke around the brilliant work that the Co-op
is doing around young people, in particular our support for our youth projects “truth
about youth”, one of the largest network of Academy schools in the UK ,
a Youth Board and links to the Woodcraft Folk. He talked about the need for a
more joined up and coherent approach to all our membership initiatives.
We also had a chance to ask the Board members present
questions. I find this “question
time” approach interesting but not useful in holding the Directors to account. The Council questioned the Board on the potential rebrand, (see
my previous blog) and asked them to ensure our Independent Co-operative
Societies and the Council were fully consulted with before any decisions were

I attended a number of workshops during the day. Brief highlights included:
Diet and health. By 2050 it is estimated that over 50% of
the population will be obese. Janet
Taylor our Diet and Health Manager outlined the work the Co-op was doing to
reduce salt and sugar in our own brands and to raise the information on labelling
and sample sizes on our own label food.
One of the quirkier workshops was “our Co-op tone of voice”
This explored the tone by which we communicate with members. Often in our marketing we have a friendlier approach,
but in our letters to our members we adopt a very formal approach. The workshop
explored if we could adopt a more “friendly” tone, which could be used
throughout the Co-op. Nothing was agreed
but the majority of member’s present felt that a more “friendly” comprehensive
tone would be welcomed.
What struck me was how much excellent work is going on in
the co-op, much of it reported on our website if you can find it. I think for my next blog; I shall endeavour
to highlight the great reports that the Group has produced.
The Council received an update on our Brand, and we
again expressed concern about the lack of consultation with the Council and the
other Co-op Societies. Nick Croft the
Council President agreed to set up a working group to ensure Councils views are
taken into account.
The final portion of the afternoon was taken up with two important
issues. One approving the regulations to create a fourth Member Nominated Director
This was a formality as it increases the number of member nominated directors
on the Co-op Board.
The other was to approve a motion on political funding to
be voted on by members at the AGM in May.
The motion will ask members if they wish to have a political fund, of £750,000. £600,000 will go towards the Co-op Party and £150,000
can be granted to any party that wish to support the Co-operative Movement.
The Co-operative Party has been in existence since 1917 and
works to support and promote the Movement via and electoral agreement with the Labour
Party. Click here for the Co-op Party website to find out more. My view is that it is right for members to
have this vote at the AGM and the motion was supported by the Council. Now it will be up to you to decide if you
want a political fund.
I look forward to updating you on our next meeting in April, which will focus on the annual results
and other financial matters. Until then..... Happy pancake day!
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