
Showing posts from 2017

Octobers National Council.

This blog was written not long after the Octobers meeting, and then I forgot to post it.   So apologies for the late report.  There were several very interesting speakers at Council.   Alan Leighton and Ian Ellis the Chair and Finance Director gave an update on the first half year trading performance.   The results can be found here .   Alan said that he was comfortable that we were on plan and Ian sounded confident. So far so good.   But as one of my colleagues on the Council pointed out an underlying profit of £14m on revenues of £3,4bn leaves room for improvemnt.    Alan mentioned two things I thought were significant. He praised our apprentice scheme that was on track to take 1000 young people, pay them a wage and train them.   So far, we have a retention rate of 80%.   We were informed 20% is more the norm. He also saw a greater role for our school Academy programme, linking in with our apprentice scheme and then taki...

Thank you

The May Annual General Meeting seems a long way off, but I would like to thank everyone in the South West who voted in the recent elections.   The national turnout was a very disappointing 3.5%.   I am pleased to say that in the South West the turnout was highest in the country, at 3.9%.   This was still down from 5.2% in the Southwest last year.   So, a lot of work needs to be done. The report of the AGM can be found here , so I will not comment on it.   Except to say thank you to everyone who voted for me in the election for the SW constituency.   I was delighted to be given a three-year term to continue to represent the members from the SW at the National Members Counci l. The July Council was held on another wonderful sunny afternoon.   Members of the Council had our opportunity to question the Directors of the Society on any topic.   Whilst it is difficult to report on everything that is spoken at Council, as some matters are con...

National Council elections 2017

Voting for the South West constituency of the National Members Councils elections has already started.Over the last two years, I have represented South West members views at the Council and have through this blog tried to report back on what I and the Council have done it your name.  I am now seeking to be re-elected to to the Council.  Below is my election address.  If you are eligible to vote, you should have received an email or a postal vote. If you have not and believe that you are eligible to vote please get in touch with the AGM team at: agm@ co-op or call on 0800 023 4708. The AGM website can be viewed by clicking here Election address I am a passionate believer in the co-op erative business model. The idea that people can be owners of a business and have a say in how that business is run is one that I want to support. I truly believe that Co-op eratives are better businesses because they weave values, principles and ethics into how the...

Febs meeting of the Council

A slightly different blog this month.   Why?   Partly because the January National Council meeting was fairly short, and partly because I want to share some information from the Co-op that you might have missed. Firstly, it was announced on the 7 th February that Richard Pennycook was stepping down as the CEO of the Co-op Group and was being replaced by the head of Co-op Food, Mr Steve Murrells. Richard came to the Co-op at our time of need. Not long after he started in May 13, I asked him what motivated him to work for ua?   He said, that the Co-op was a Great British institution and if he wanted to do his part in saving it.   And save it he did. Thank you Richard. Before Steve Murrells joined Co-op Food it was a tired business. Now after four years he has turned it on its head.   It is transformed beyond belief. His commitment to high quality, well stocked stores, providing our members with what they want, has seen Co-op food grow consistently. ...