National Council elections 2017
Voting for the South West constituency of the National Members Councils elections has already started.Over the last two years, I have represented South West members views at the Council and have through this blog tried to report back on what I and the Council have done it your name.
I am now seeking to be re-elected to to the Council. Below is my election address. If you are eligible to vote, you should have received an email or a postal vote. If you have not and believe that you are eligible to vote please get in touch with the AGM team at: or call on 0800 023 4708.
The AGM website can be viewed by clicking here
Election address
I am a passionate believer in the co-operative business model. The idea that people can be owners of a business and have a say in how that business is run is one that I want to support. I truly believe that Co-operatives are better businesses because they weave values, principles and ethics into how they operate.

Championing Fairtrade to promote a more sustainable supply chain to people in the developing world; insisting on better labeling so we can see what we are eating; and banning animal testing in our household chemicals ranges are all good examples of this. Co-ops don’t always get it right, but the good things still outweigh the bad, and it is for that reason, I want to be part of the future growth of the Co-op.
My vision for the future is for members to be seen and treated like owners of the business, so that we have some real say on how our stores look and feel, so that we are consulted on changes and have our views truly taken into account. We should have some influence on what we stock in our shops and how the stores are laid out. I want the Co-op to be at the heart of our communities, making profits to be reinvested back into our stores and our communities. That’s why the 5% members offer fits so well with our Co-op principles - returning money to our members and linking this to Co-op products. I am also delighted that our 1% members community fund allow members to have the say in how that money is distributed in their community.
I have represented the South West on the Council for the last two years. I keep members informed via a blog that I write. Please visit see how I have been reporting on the work of the Council since I have been elected. I have not only been involved with retail co-operatives. My involvement with the co-operative movement extends to founding a rural car co-operative in 2002, getting involved with North Somerset Savings and Loan, a financial co-op and more recently with Clevedon Community Book Co-op.
In summary- A vote for me would be a vote to put the owners’ voice at the heart of the Co-op, and for a vision where the Co-op is at the heart of our local community. Please feel free to contact me on, if you would like to ask me a question. Thank you for reading this election address and for your support in this election.
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