April Council members update.

Alan pointed out the Federation mission statement.
“A Community of digital businesses and innovators in
Manchester built on ethical values. Click here for more information”Alan felt this statement represented allthat he felt about the
Digital Businesses and innovators. This represents the best
of the Co-op. The Co-op were the great innovators in the 19th Century
and were the cutting-edge businesses at the time. His mission for our Co-op is to make us great
businesses again.
In Manchester, the spiritual home of Co-operation.
Ethical values, underpin our unique business model.
Alan let us know that he believed the Co-op was in pretty
good shape. Things were going according to plan, and if things were on plan, he
believed the Co-op was on the road to recovery.
Yes, somethings were not so rosy. The Co-op is being investigated by the Grocery adjudicator. (click herefor more information), and we should have never got into that situation. These
things should not happen, and it was his view that its how you deal with it,
that matters in the end.. He vowed that the outcome from this will be that the Co-op
becomes the leading retailer in supplier relationships in the future. When things go wrong, learn the lesson, fix
it and then become stronger.

He also highlighted our ambition to increase the number of
Co-op school academies to 50. Our track
record when we bring a school into our academy programme in second to none. Clickhere for more information. The Co-op has
an opportunity to work with young people, give them a good start, integrate job
opportunities with our businesses. Co-ops always pride themselves in education
and this is one way where the Co-op can make a difference to young people’s
Stronger Communities@ £61m earned by our members, £13m for
local communities.
Stronger Co-op.
Revenue flat at £9.5bn Profit
before tax £62m, operating profit £126m
Food 3.4% increase in like for like sales. Funeral and life sales up 4% Insurance sales
up 3%
Stevie Springs Chair of the remuneration committee, talked us
through the report that would be presented to the AGM. She stressed that
although much of the attention will focus on executive pay, her priority was to
improve the hourly rates to our front-line colleagues. Wages have risen, and she felt that this was
the better way to reduce the pay ratio between the highest paid colleagues and
the lowest paid ones.
She also touched upon our gender pay gap. She felt our problem was that there were not
enough women in senior positions not our pay policy. Progress is being made, for instance our Executive
Committee has a majority of women, but progress needed to be speeded up. I
Simon Burke, Chair of the Risk and Audit committee outlined
the mechanisms for identifying and moderating risk in the Co-op. Like all
systems, there are not infallible, and he acknowledged in the case of the
Grocery adjudicator, the systems had failed.
However, he felt that the Co-op was in a much better place now to
mitigate risks. The Co-op had invested resources
into management, in our risk teams and in internal audit to ensure that we
minimise our exposure to risk in the future.
The Council then considered our approach to the AGM and the
motions that would be discussed on the day and to the proposed rule
changes. The Council were happy to
support all the motions and rule changes.
Overall, I came away feeling that the Co-op is on the right
track and I am looking forward to the AGM in May in Manchester. Please try to
attend this meeting to see for yourself the progress we are making as a Co-op.
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